ISLA - The International Securities and Lending Association were tired of their serviced offices. HBC have secured their new 2,000 sq ft premises within One George Yard EC3, where some fitted space was secured, giving the advantage of having their own space, with their name on 'the front door', whilst also avoiding the majority of the initial capital spend.
One partition was moved slightly to accommodate their specific needs but otherwise it fitted them perfectly.

Discover more about ISLA:
If you are considering a move into or across
the City of London or a location in the South East then you will want the best commercial real estate advice from advisors with a wealth of sector expertise and years of experience.
Talk to us at hbcrealestate.co.uk for the best corporate real estate advice from acquisitions to rent reviews and everything in between.
In the first instance contact:
Stephen English
M 07887 821387
T 020 7256 4970
